AHFI® Prep Course (Spring Session)

When:  Mar 7, 2017 from 08:00 AM to 04:30 PM (CT)
The NHCAA AFHI Prep Course is a one-day intensive program designed to highlight key content areas on the AHFI® Examination. Experienced faculty teach about the key areas addressed in the AHFI exam enabling you to feel better prepared for the Accredited Health Care Fraud Investigator (AHFI®) Exam. Sessions focus on coding and medical terminology, health care fraud federal and state regulations, and health insurance post-health care reform. Faculty also provide training on the key investigative skills.

If applying to sit for the AHFI exam, the application deadline was January 20, 2017.

For more information on testing to become an AHFI®, visit Becoming an AHFI® webpage.


Hotel Montleone
214 Royal Street
New Orleans, 70130